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Splash Tract Repair #2

Note-The screws on my Spalsh Fire were stripped when I did this repair.

The Problem

hard to use pump tract.

Needed items for Repair

Recommended Place to do the Repair

A bathroom with a bathtub.

Repair Instructions

  1. Apply Petroleum Jelly in and around the pump tract slit.
  2. Turn the Bathtub on.
  3. Wash the Petroluem Jelly into the gun.
  4. Hope the petroleum Jelly gets on the right stuff.
  5. Your done.


The problem isn't fixed all the way, But you have just elimanated one of the two reasons why the gun gives you the diffulty of movement, this when used in conjuction with Tract Repair #1, almost elimanates the problem inentirely.

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